Saturday, January 21, 2012


Even though it's still the height of Harmattan season here, seems like the mosquitoes are quickly coming back in full swing… Jess has been bitten like crazy, and I just found a brand-spanking new bite on my leg this morning.  I found one flying around my room last night after we finished watching the new Vampire Diaries episode--smashed it with my slipper, and ::sqoosh:: the mosquito exploded into a bloody mess.  I guess it was my leg blood, hah.  It's mondo itchy right now.  Gah.  Need to figure out how to get a bed net before the rainy season starts in March/April. 

Boko Haram decided to coordinate a bomb attack last night in Kano, the second biggest city in Nigeria… I don't understand why they did it right after Friday evening prayer for Muslims… why are they targeting their own religious group?  I am confused… or maybe Boko Haram is confused?  Oh well.  Praying that it doesn't blow up here… literally.  But, I guess if it does, I'm bouncing early :T  Probably a good thing, because I will lose my marbles if the Feds decide to continue their shutdown of Megaupload… my weekly dose of TV shows is the only thing that's keeping me going here.  Meh.

Back in the States for training in February… yay for countdowns to break up the monotony!  Oh yeah, and maybe actually learn something new here?  O_o

Now, go stuff your faces full of nian gao for me :)

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